BTS: CATO troubleshoot logistics of production in remote Northern Territory communities.

Unit & Production Vehicles

CATO Location Services MD Kieran Cato recently embarked on a unique journey to the Northern Territory for the filming of Nutopia’s second series, Limitless with Chris Hemsworth. Upon reflection, Kieran emphasised the challenges involved in gaining access to remote communities in the NT.

One of the notable achievements was securing state authority to gain access to roads that were currently closed due to flooding. The team brought in additional support crew to ensure the long drive into Arnhem Land was managed safely. This logistical success ensured the safety and efficiency of the production, including accommodating Chris Hemsworth and his family.

Overcoming these challenges was a significant highlight for CATO during this project.

You can read more about the filming of season two and the services CATO provided here.

Image Credit: Craig Parry Photography
Chris Hemsworth with native Indigenous kids in remote Northern Territory community during the filming of Season Two Limitless

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