Meet our Traffic Management Coordinator, Kat Stewart

October 2023

With over five years of traffic experience, Kat has worked on numerous large-scale and tier-1 construction projects such as WestConnex and NorthConnex. Kat is the go-to for CATO’s traffic operations team and takes care of everything from the planning to the logistics. An expert at what she does, Kat is a highly skilled traffic manager out on the road too.

What were you doing before you came to CATO, or earlier in life?

I’ve been with CATO since 2021. Prior to that I was a traffic controller & incident response driver for NorthConnex.

What’s something you’re passionate about outside of  work?

I enjoy playing the guitar and I have recently joined a baseball team! I also have 4 dogs, so they keep me busy when I’m not working.

What’s something interesting about you that other people might not know?

I won a gold medal in Karate when I was young.

What do you like most about your current position at CATO?

Each day at CATO presents new, diverse challenges so the role definitely keeps me on my toes. I enjoy the process of problem solving and finding solutions to suit each unique situation. The dynamic nature of the work keeps me engaged and drives me to expand my skills and knowledge. It’s very rewarding and there’s still a lot of space to learn, adapt and grow. 

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