HVM: Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Solutions and Strategies

What is Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM)?

HVM is a safety precaution involving the implementation and coordination of protective, anti-terrorism measures in public and crowded places to keep vehicles out of pedestrian areas where roads are closed, usually at large scale events.

CATO location services is your one stop shop for all HVM solutions, consulting and devices. Providing this service on all City of Sydney events, as well as other local councils and clients for community and independent events.


A Pitagone is a certified anti-truck-ram barriers, designed and produced in Belgium. As a HVM device they are lightweight and mobile allowing them to be temporarily removed to allow access for emergency or priority vehicles. The Pitagone F11 and F18 adapt to all surfaces and terrains (including sidewalks, gradients and bumpy surfaces) and capable of stopping a truck or vehicle up to 7.5 tonne at average speed.

As a HVM measure the implementation of a Pitagone successfully stops the passage of vehicles even in a hostile situation making it a unique, cost effective strategy against ramming attacks.

  • Unique and mobile solution
  • Quick and easy assembly
  • Adapts to all surfaces and terrains (including sidewalks, gradients and bumpy surfaces)
  • Resist to a shock of a 7,5 tons truck launched at 48 Km/h
  • Capable to stop a vehicle or truck launched at average speed
  • Offer visible security to events and sites that need to keep the crowd safe

Water Filled Barriers are temporary plastic bollards used to mitigate the threat of a hostile vehicle approaching. Water filled barriers are a great alternative to traditional barricades because they provide energy absorption for oncoming traffic in a way that provides increased safety for those attending events.

A water-filled barrier is a large plastic barrier which is hollow inside. Once positioned, the barrier is filled with water and remains firmly in position. At the end of the event, the water is drained from the barriers and they are able to be easily removed from the location.

  • Cost effective
  • Perfect for short term and long term use
  • Easy assembly
  • Offer visible security to events and sites that need to keep the crowd safe

The use of CATO production vehicles or trucks can also be deployed as a highly successful HVM solution. When parked in the middle of the road, they prevent a hostile vehicle from gaining access.

Our highly experienced HVM vehicle drivers remain with their vehicle at all times to ensure access for emergency services. We have a variety of vehicle types and sizes available for hire as HVM.

CATO location services is your one stop shop for all HVM solutions, consulting and devices in Sydney and greater NSW region. We regularly provide this service to City of Sydney, as well as other local councils and clients for community and independent events.

To request a rate card please fill out the form here.

CATO Crew installing our latest HVM device, Pitegone F-18 at City of Sydney event in Haymarket.
CATO Crew installing our latest HVM device - Pitegone F18 - at City of Sydney event in Haymarket.
HVM water-filled barriers with traffic controller
Water-filled barriers in position
HVM vehicles on road
CATO vehicles used as HVM for City of Sydney Event
Event Security Management
Event Traffic Management and Planning